Tina Luk, who has been actively promotes social justice and workers’ rights
城姐是一位新移民,在國內是大專程度,在2005年她與兒子獲批單程,來港團聚。來港時大兒子剛入幼稚園, 城姐就很快找到第一份工作, 她為了讓自己盡快融入香港,積極學習,每天放工後,待兒子入睡後就開始學習繁體字、香港地理、交通、文化等,假日就帶著兒子到處逛,以作實習。到2006年,城姐的細兒子出世,因為要照顧兩名兒子而被迫再次辭去工作,但城姐並沒因此而放慢腳步,她積極參加很多社區活動以曠闊自己的生活圈子,有次無意間認識了一位基督徒, 自始就積極參與教會,風雨不改。
當城姐的細子也上幼稚園後,城姐從投工作,初時兼職家務助理,後漸轉回全職工作,在機緣巧合下, 她認識了工會, 城姐覺得工會是一個可以讓工人為自己發聲的平台,非常有意義,故她在工餘時常為工會做義工,後來更加入工會,被選為理事‧城姐有敢言,不畏強權的性格,她每每代表工會出席勞資三方會,在街頭抗爭時更會爭「嗌咪」。城姐現時在香港肝康會工作,工餘時積極推動社會公義,如佔中、工會工黨的組織工作,也積極地把社會公義的議題推入教會中,至2012年,她更被選為教會堂委。
Tina is a new immigrant from mainland China. In 2005, she came to Hong Kong with her son and reunited with her husband who was a Hong Kong resident. Tina started to work once her son was admitted into kindergarten, because she wanted to integrate to the society of Hong Kong as soon as possible. And she kept this positive and “willing to learn” attitude at all times. After her son went to bed every night, she would use the time to learn traditional Chinese characters, the different places, transports and local culture of Hong Kong. In 2006, Tina’s younger son was born and she needed to give up her job and be a full time caretaker of the family. But Tina kept her heart open and continued her exploration and engagement in the community.
After Tina’s younger son admitted to kindergarten, she started to work as a part-time domestic helper, and then a full-time. She got to know about the trade union in an occasion and she felt that labor union is a meaningful platform for workers to voice out and defend their rights. So she often volunteered to work for the trade union and joined as member and eventually became one of the committee members . Tina is very active in pursuing for workers’ rights, she often represented the trade union to sit in tripartite meeting with the employers and the government authority. She often helped as the spokesperson in street actions and is dare to voice out workers’ demand.. She is now working in an NGO called Liver Living Association. And she is active in the democracy movement and labor movement in her spare time, such as involving in the Occupy Central with Love and Peace, the organizing work of trade unions. More, in 2012, she was elected as council member of the church.