Li Fung Mei, who fights for the rights of famers. She is preserving the local agricultural culture
李鳳眉,打鼓嶺坪輋長大的非原居民,原是本地豬農後因農業條例改革而棄農,與不少也是因當地農業敗退的村民一樣, 成為轉投城市上班的一族。其後因要帶孩子而留在家中,及間常在社區中心及學校當義工說故事。近年孩子稍長, 便再投身工作。
2012年新界東北發展規劃揭盅,將一向平靜的坪輋完全反轉過來,自打鼓嶺坪輋保衛家園聯盟成立後, 村民們再次連結起來. 透過參與, 她開始了解到「城市的發展」是什麼一回和其中的不公義。李鳳眉從只逛街市到跑在街上遊行, 本來在村內悠閒的騎單車變成帶團參觀村內農業文化的導賞員, 並透過傳媒的訪問, 將農民的掙扎和再生及其重要性, 還有在那兒發生變遷和故事, 憑著她女性的敏銳的感應一一道來, 深化到訪者和讀者對坪輋的認識和感情上的連結, 與示威與街頭抗爭相輔相承. 李鳳眉除透過村民大會及結連工作連繫和聽取村民的聲音外,由於東北發展計劃影響龐大,她亦參與與另外兩個受影響地區的聯絡工作. 靠著其善於表達的能力, 她也扛下了不少文宣事宜, 包括宣傳物品的製作和facebook的更新維護, 使以農為本的社區能利用互聯網和社交媒體有效的將有關坪輋的消息推廣。
Lee Fung Mei is a non-indigenous that grew up in Ping Che (in North-East of the New Territories ). Fung Mei was a pig farmer but had to change job reluctantly due to the agriculture recession. Later, she quitted the job in order to take care of her family and became a “story-telling” volunteer in the community center and school. Then she started to work again after her children are admitted to school.
In 2012, the government released the Northeast New Territories Development Plan, and turned the peaceful Ping Che totally upside down. The villagers formed the “Ping Che, Ta Kwu Ling Alliance to Defend the Homeland” to fight against the development plan which was very unfair to the non-indigenous people and farmers there. Fung Mei gradually understands that “development” is only favorable to the investors and tycoon. She went to the streets with the others to protest against the Plan, she became a cultural tour guide of Ping Che and told stories and history of her homeland, and advocated the importance to revitalize local agriculture. Fung Mei’s passion touched the visitors who joined the tour and raised their awareness to the issue on preserving the local agricultural culture. She gained more and more supports from the community and the struggle is still on. Fung Mei plays a unique and essential role in the movement, especially in communication work. She produced promotional materials and updated the Alliance’s facebook page, and using Internet and social media to communicate Ping Che news to the community and media of Hong Kong.