誠邀您參與「公眾評選」投票!“She Dares to Change” Award 2014: Public Voting Starts!
您可以在2014年2月28日前,到訪此 婦女動力基金 facebook,參閱各入圍候選者的「她。敢於改變」故事。按「讚」(”like”)投票支持您認為最符合「她。敢於改變」精神的女性!(可投多於一位)
We sincerely invite you to vote on HER Fund's facebook page by 28 Feb 2014! Read the “She Dares to Change” stories of our nominees. “LIKE” the story(ies) that is/are the best matches for the “She Dares to Change” spirit.
Please vote! Support the Daring Women in our society while let people know about their daring stories!